The Grand United Order of the Knights of the Golden Horn (GUOKGH), known as the Knights of the Golden Horn, or KGH,
is an independent and sovereign fraternal and philanthropic order. The KGH was founded in 1872 as a higher order within the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) before breaking away in 1926. We are proud of our history and we welcome those who share our values as a fraternal order, subject to being loyal to the crown and constitution, and a promise of obedience to our Rules.
To read more about our origins and history see our
Information & History page.
Information about joining the GUOKGH and downloadable forms can be found on the
Downloads Page.
The Order is under the governance of the Grand Encampment of England which is headed by the Grand Knight Commander (GKC) who for 2024-5 is our Most Worthy AKC Ian Glasper OM whose "mother encampment" is No 24 Whitworth Encampment, Spennymoor. The GKC is assisted by 15 elected officers who are listed on our "
Grand Camp Officers" page.
Ten of the Grand Camp Officers convene as The Grand Executive and they meet to provide day-to-day oversight and management of the Order. District Camps are made up of delegates from their constituent camps and they meet to address local matters and recommend actions to be taken forward by the Grand Executive or to be considered at the Annual Grand Camp.
Previously the KGH was comprised of up to 88 locally based encampments, today there are eleven "Camps", located throughout England. To find our locations see:
Where To Find Us Page.Members of the Order, called comrades, meet at their "mother encampments" which today are grouped into four districts: Mid Durham, Teesside, Wearside and Wessex. The 11 minor camps are located from Sunderland to Sutton and from Chippenham and to Sheerness. We seek to open new encampments wherever there is sufficient interest. For more information on joining or opening a new encampment see: Join Us? at move through six stages, or degrees of membership with progression based on time served and work done within the Order. Each stage is marked by the award of a jewel or collarette. More information is available at our page
Degrees, Jewels and Collarettes.Comrades undertake to support the King and constitution and to offer charitable assistance where needed. Our motto is
Pro Rege, Lege et Grege which translates as
"For The King, The Law and The People".