April 2024 to April 2025 (* Member of the Grand Executive) Dates in parentheses show when post holder was the Grand Knight Commander (GKC).

Grand Knight Commander *

AKC Ian Glasper OM

(2024-2025) 24 Whitworth Encampment

Deputy Grand Knight Commander *

SSKC John Warham

147 Erimus Encampment

Immediate Past Grand Knight Commander *

SKC Neville Dart

(2023-2024) 24 Whitworth Encampment

Grand Director of Ceremonies *

AKC Robin Todd OM

150 Worlebury Encampment

Grand Scribe *

AKC Clive Warham OM

147 Erimus Encampment

Deputy Grand Scribe *

Post Vacant

Grand Auditor *

KOS Gary Taylor

147 Erimus Encampment

Grand Trustee *


(2015-16) 24 Whitworth Encampment

Grand Trustee *

SSKC Keith Foreman OM

147 Erimus Encampment

Grand Trustee *

SKC Stephen Preston PGKC OM

(2022-2023) 147 Erimus Encampment

Grand Warden of Treasury

KOS R Stevenson

147 Erimus Encampment

Grand Warden of Registry

KOS K Simpson

147 Erimus Encampment

Grand Sentinel

SKC Chris Turner

139 Wm Tindale Encampment

Grand Guard

Post Vacant

Grand Usher

Post Vacant

Grand Steward

Post Vacant