1 min read
Ian takes over the reins

At a special ceremony held by 24 Whitworth Encampment at the KGH HQ on Thursday 20 Jun2 24, AKC Ian Glasper OM was formally installed as Grand Knight Commander for 2024-25.  Having been formally introduced by AKC George Bramhald PGKC OM, Ian was installed by the Immediate Past GKC, SKC Neville Dart IPGKC.  The event was witnessed by comrades from 24, 65, 147 and 149 Encampments and the remainder of the evening was enjoyed by all under Ian's command.

Pictured L-R: AKC George Bramhald PGKC OM, SKC Stephen Preston PKGK OM, AKC Stephen Milburn PGKC OM, AKC Ian Glasper OM GKC and AKC Jeff Daley PGKC OM.

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